Friday 18 February 2011


Headings- "Aller"

Subheadings and Quotes- "Apple Garamond"

Body- "Minion pro"
(should be already on your computer)

Style guide Work in Progress

Hey, we still need to decide fonts and size etc. So the typography bit needs changing but I can do that when we know which font we are using! Hope this is OK!!! its just a draft so it can be changed if you don't like it!

Katie x

Thursday 17 February 2011

colour scheme


Hey guys just a list of things i think need doing by next Tuesday!

Felix could you post the fonts up online and the CMYK value of colours that we decided in class. I'm going to put it into a quick style guide doc. They might want to see something like this in our work in progress deadline! Also if we can write up any interviews that we receive by next Tuesday would be a bonus.

Also tell me what you think, but how about we all choose 5 pages from a magazine with layouts we'd all like to use this will go down as research and we'll compare them next Tuesday! 

  • Upload fonts/colours to blog - Felix
  • Style Guide - Me (Katie)
  • Interviews - If possible
  • 5 page layouts - Group

Any problems just comment on this post or text/email me.
Cheers Katie x

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Interview Questions

Hey hope this helps I have copied and pasted the email I sent to Alexius. You might get some ideas if your still stuck. Cheers x

Tuesday 15 February 2011


Yeah I got reply aswell, could you post some of the questions you were thinking of asking, i cant think of many.

Truly Ace

 to me
show details 2:38 PM (10 hours ago)
Dear Felix,

I'm happy to help, by all means send me the questions you have for the interview.


Amanda Vlahakis


Hey guys great news just received an email back from ~Alexius (romantically apocalyptic) just copied and pasted the email below so we can refer to it via blog if we need to:

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Romantically Apocalyptic <> wrote:

Sounds good, send in your questions!
Submitted on 02/15/2011 - 06:28
Submitted by anonymous user: []

Submitted values are:

 Name: katie brown
 E-Mail Address:
 Your Message:

I am writing to you to enquire into the possibility of an interview for my group magazine project at University.  As part of the project we have to create a magazine on a chosen subject. We have chosen graphic design and as we are a fan of your work, we would really appreciate it if you could answer a few questions, which would be included in the magazine. This project will not be published and will only be used for educational purposes only.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Katie Brown,

Monday 7 February 2011


Here's my first ideas:

Pitch Document (First Draft)

Hey guys i have written out a brief pitch document. I think most of the things our there, however it needs going over. Im still really unsure to what "A skills audit, job specification & CV (for each team member)" will contain. Also reading through the brief it says we need to present it in the same style as our product, so i'm guessing InDesign. We don't have a theme yet, so we need to crack on with that and then we can finish this off. Let me know what you think. I will also e-mail you the document.

Cheers! X

Friday 4 February 2011


Hey guy! I have attached two print screens to the blog, but I will send you the files by email. I decided to write up two contracts. One for each team member but also I decided to write one for Project manager which we can all sign. Let me know what you think of them, I can easily change them so if you want something adding or removing just let me know.

Cheers x